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closing of
the bones 

"When women are pregnant,

their body,
their heart
and soul

expands for the sake of their baby.

Giving birth is the greatest demonstration of love

and often requires some sacrifices.

The Rebozo applied by the loving hands of doulas,

midwives and other caregivers,

helps both woman and baby,
as it offers support, comfort,

relief and,

in the postpartum period,

a return to a state of wholeness and integrity".
Naolí Vinaver


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Closing of the bones is a traditional Mexican postpartum ceremony to honor, nourish and to celebrate the transition that marks the birth of the baby and the rebirth of the mother.


In Mexico, the woman is bathed, massaged and her body is wrapped with the rebozo - a Mexican cotton scarf - from head to toe or vice versa several times during the first 40 days after childbirth.

Holding the rebozo with the hands, a gentle but firm traction is performed, generating the sensation of closure that physically and energetically reminds the mother's body that the gestation process is over and a new cycle begins.


The benefits of this ceremony are to help integrate the experience of the massive expansion of having given birth to a baby and to themselves, adjust the bones -sacrum and pelvis-, release the body from the stress of childbirth, increase blood circulation, relax muscles and joints, balance hormonal production, favour breastfeeding, induce deep rest, brings containment to the mother and the much needed social recognition for all that the woman has gone through since and/or even before pregnancy.


It’s a powerful embrace to reconnect Body Mind and Spirit, that celebrates and welcomes a new stage of life. 

Closing of the Bones Ceremony can be one-time treatment at any moment in a woman´s postpartum life;

1 month, 1 year, 3 years, 10 years and even 50 years after after birth.


This ceremony lasts around 4 hours and includes: 


  • Debriefing of your birth story or other, integration of your experience
  • Full body foot massage or other bodywork technique and the Rebozo massage

To release tensions and perform rebozo massage and the pre closing with the Rebozo scarf.


  • Human Temazcal Bath 

Provides a soft and pleasant warmth.

The woman is covered in blankets so that she does not feel cold at all.


  •  Sobada Maya 

Deep massage that seeks to restore order and detoxify the organism. 

It recomposes, compresses, realigns and relaxes the woman's body.

Above all, it symbolically marks the return to a state of normality.​


  • Sellada Mexican belly binding

Keeps warmth in the womb,

Allows fascia and ligaments to rest, 

Relieves pelvic joint dysfunction pain,

Supports uterine and abdominal integrity,  

Ideally stays wrapped for 24 hours.


  • The big closing with the Rebozo scarf


  • Cacao or herbal tea 



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